Scallop Strong as a Mother - Greeting Card


Scallop Greeting Card

These elegant greeting cards incorporate the black scallop Strong As A Mother design on a white backdrop. Measure 4" x 6".

Our Strong as a Mother greeting cards, postcards, and stickers are the next in our internationally popular #strongasamotherstrong campaign.

We invite you to share photos of you in your #StrongasaMother gear!

Facebook | Instagram | #strongasamother #strongasamotherclub

These are a collaboration between Delish General Store and Jenna Hobbs of Hobbs Photography.

Care & Size Guide

Care Instructions //

Wash cold, like colors. Sweaters, wash inside-out. Hang to dry. No harsh detergents.

Sizing //

Please note: our sizing runs small. If in doubt, please order one size up.

Strong as a Mother - NEW Style Crewneck Sweatshirt

Strong as a Mother - OLD Style Crewneck Sweatshirt



Strong as a Mother - Triblend Tshirt

 Strong as a Mother - Triblend Tank